Making Halloween Costumes - Lorna’s Top Tips

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It’s that time of year again when your little loved one wants to dress up as a devil, a ghost or even a pumpkin! Here is our guide to choosing and making Halloween costumes:

Halloween Patterns - Simplicity Patterns have a great range of dressing up costumes to choose from including vampires, pumpkins and witches for a typical Halloween themed outfit. Take a look and see what you can find. There are plenty of adult sized costumes too!

Make your own Pattern - If you cannot find a suitable pattern or do not feel you have the experience to follow the instructions it is amazing what you can do with a bit of imagination and a length of fabric. Get your little loved one to lie on the floor, with their arms out, on an old newspaper and draw round them to make a pattern in a large ‘T’ shape. Cut this out on folded fabric then make a hole for the head and you have an instant tunic ready to decorate. Use this shape in black or purple for a witch or wizard, green for Robin Hood and orange for a pumpkin varying the tunic length as required.

Adding decoration - Apply cut out shapes to embellish your costume to improve the effect using Bondaweb or fabric glue to stick them on. Add stars to a wizard’s cloak and spiders for a creepy effect on a witch’s hat. You could even cut out white bone shapes and stick them to an old black T-shirt and leggings to make into a little skeleton. For a pumpkin, cut a large, round, orange tunic and sew up the edges. Glue on black triangles for the eyes and nose and a long jagged shape for the mouth. Stuff this with cushions to improve the shape. The simplest idea of all is a square of white fabric with spooky eyes and mouth stuck in place to make a ghost!

Props and Makeup - Finish your Halloween costume with the right props for a perfect look. A witch isn’t a witch without a pointed hat and broom or a devil without a trident. Don’t forget the face paints to add gory scars and bruises.

Sewing Shortcuts for Beginners - If you are not a confident sewer don’t let this put you off just choose fabric that doesn’t fray, or cut out with pinking shears to save the trouble of sewing hems. Just select the right colour of fabric to work with and add the most appropriate props and your little loved one will be delighted by your efforts!

For more information or sewing advice please contact Lorna Knight - Click here to view Lorna’s website.
