Craft Essentials From Abakhan

If you know someone who’s a big enthusiast of haberdashery in all it’s forms, you might be interested to hear about the potential gifts that can be purchased for them through the Abakhan catalogue, whether they’re a knitter or a sewer.

If the only time you get to work on your sewing is when all the kids (and possibly the husband too!) have gone to bed, you’ll likely be grateful for the Maglamp. Complete with an energy saving bulb, it’s the ideal way to obtain the maximum visibility whilst you work.

Whilst sewing and knitting are both rewarding hobbies, there’s no denying that they can be fiddly. The hands-free magnifier that you can buy here is the ideal solution, offering you a more in-depth view of what your hands are doing, making those complicated patterns a breeze.

The Stitchmaster Seat Stand is the ideal investment for anyone that wants an easy way to support their work, with the mobility and quality that comes from genuine craftsmanship. Enabling you to work from a variety of different angles, it’s a great investment.

To view these and more sewing accessories, visit the Abakhan catalogue here .
